I don't know why I waited so long to rec this book. My own actions baffle me.
So I have already recommended another of M.K. Hobson's books, THE NATIVE STAR, which is one of my absolute favorites and, as it happens, the first book in this series. Why am I recommending THE WARLOCK'S CURSE separately then? apart from obviously liking to bend rules and such
THE WARLOCK'S CURSE is actually the start of a new duology within the series, so technically you could read it without having read THE NATIVE STAR and still understand and enjoy it. I would side-eye you forever, though, because THE NATIVE STAR is fantastic and why anyone wouldn't want to read it is beyond me.
Moving on...
So THE WARLOCK'S CURSE takes place some years after the events of the last duology, following Will and Jenny as they make their way in the world. And obviously get hit in the face by some impressive obstacles.
Let's talk about characters first because we all know that's my favorite bit. Will Edwards. Will. Sigh. There were so many times through this book were I just wanted to reach out and hug him. And so many times I wanted to slap him across the face until his neck rotated 360˚. I'm trying to say he was great. He was likable and made mistakes left and right, but he tried. And, guys, he was troubled. Really troubled. Really troubled.
Jenny was just fantastic, and also flawed (which all the best characters are). She was ambitious and determined and complex. She had goals and motivations and her own plot, even though she wasn't the main character. I loved Jenny. Jenny and I could be friends.
There's other characters I liked loved but I don't want to talk about them because spoilers! I'll just say: Read closely. And, Aebedel Crowday was immensely disturbing.
Deer gawd.
Still, as much as I want to spend all my time gushing about the characters, where this book really shines is in its feel. This was dark. Darker than I expected it, and I loved it. THE WARLOCK'S CURSE pushes its own boundaries, making you care about characters who are broken and amazing and who put themselves in horrific situations. It is full of folklore that will feel new and familiar (specially if you've read the previous duology).
It is satisfyingly dark and a whirlwind of action that doesn't sacrifice character development. Read it and suffer waiting for the second book with me, please.